Well now this post will have the correct date to it as it really is Saturday June 16th the day before Father's Day and here we are at the festival which is almost over now.
I had a very special moment in time today of which I tried to make it a teaching moment to my grand kids, but am not sure if it went over their heads or not.
So this is how my day shaped up this morning. After we got a breakfast of biscuits and gravy that John had made finished up here, I decided to head over to the stage area and start listening to the music. As I was looking for a chair in the shade, as it was already really warm, this elderly gentleman takes my arm and offers me a chair next to him. He was just the nicest, kindest man on the face of the earth and his eyes just danced with joy at being here at this festival. He introduces himself as Buster and after a few minutes of sitting beside him I found out his real name was Richard Kraft but that his wife had given him the nickname of Buster which he prefers to be called by.
He visited and visited with me between each song and telling me how he lives near this area and how when he got up this morning his wife asked him what time he'd like to leave to come on over here. He told her "early and I'm staying late until after 11 at least." He was talking and telling me that he lives only about 7 miles from here but that he can no longer drive. He then tells me about in his younger days he traveled a lot on vacations and even went to Europe once for 6 weeks but got homesick to be back here during the trip. He says to me, "just like the little girl in the movie, I feel the same, There's no Place Like Home." As he said this he began to cry and I could tell that his mind was taking him back to a better time when he had his youth and could do more of the things he enjoyed.
He noticed my wedding ring and he touched it and said, "I like seeing this." I told him that we were celebrating our 40th aniversary this year. Once again he teared up and gave me a big hug. Then he saw me taking pictures of the different bands and people and he says, "here let me take a picture of you." "I always tell my wife to take lot's of pictures, as you can always delete the ones that don't turn out and you can just buy a new camera chip card when it fills up but that a person can get about 1,000 pictures on one of those things. I don't think he understood that a person could put the pictures on their computer and then erase their chip and begin taking pictures again.
My heart was so filled with joy at meeting this wonderful, happy man who told me that he loves the Lord and was such a happy man. It was a great way to start my bluegrass day off and later when I came back to the camper I tried to use it as a teaching moment with the kids about attitudes and being kind to people and happy in life. That making choices is always an option and that we can always make choices to be happy. His spirit emulated his kindness and I loved this guy and wish that I could have gotten information to keep in contact and write him letters or phone him etc.
I have several good friends who are elderly and not in good health and I love those friends deeply. Today I added a new one and if I see him later tonight I will give him my phone number and see if I can get his.
I'd love to add him to my calling list of people that I love to call and check on. So here is a picture of him and of us and I know that when you see it you'll see his beautiful spirit too. Richard "Buster" Kraft....A good example of kindness and living a Christ like life in our everyday living.
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