Well tonight was a very interesting night and I truly believe that because of the service my son Tyler gave to our friends the Limehouse's with their computers and Iphones we were blessed in service back from them with help on our genealogy tonight.
Yesterday Tyler went up to the Limehouse's house and spent 3 hours helping our friend John Limehouse learn how to put music onto his Iphone and also how to use his Ipad better and also how
to extract pictures off of it and put them into his computer.
This morning PT Limehouse called me and offered to make dinner for all of us then come down and all of us could eat together. When they called they asked me what Tyler's favorite food was and we came up with Taco's for dinner tonight. Tyler our son was frustrated with trying to do genealogy a few months ago, and was having trouble with the church's website newfamilysearch.org trying to navigate it. I mentioned to Tyler that the Limehouse's were really good at doing genealogy and that we could ask them for some help when they were here.
John Limehouse was able to show Tyler how to find the information for our lines and it was so amazing what happened after that. Here's the story.....
We started on my husband John's lines and it just kept going back further and further until we ended up in royal lineage and I'd been told that if you have any royal lineage in your lines you usually can go way far back. So this excited us when we found the royal lineage on John's line.
As we kept clicking and clicking to the next generation it ended up taking us clear back to Adam and Eve. My son was so excited he was jumping for joy. At first he was typing in all the names into his own Ipad, but when he realized that it was just going to keep going and going he decided that he would have to do it at home later. Finally it was so long that it took us clear back to Adam and Eve as I said. This was all on my husband John's line.
So we called the Limehouse's and told them the good news and they were excited that they were able to help us, just as Tyler was excited that he was able to help them yesterday.
After that I was curious if any of my lines might go back to Adam and Eve also and so our daughter-in-law began researching my lines. The last I'd checked was over a year ago when I had some help to enter in my meager 5 or 6 generations that I had too, and like I said I've never been very good at doing my genealogy either. I only expected to just see those same meager generations of names. Imagine my surprise when some of my lined kept going too. Some dead ended at around 700BC but she kept on going and checking other lines and we found a line that took mine back to Adam and Eve too. My line has me related Mary the mother of Jesus and so Jesus too, then it went clear back to Adam and Eve on one of my lines just like John's did. I had a lot of royalty in my lines too and it was on more than one line, but this one particular line took us all the way to Adam and Eve.
We called my John on the phone to tell him this good news because he's over in Missoula tonight. He couldn't believe it either because both of us had only plugged in our recent lineage like about 6 generations back but someone else who's done more research has been able to tie into our lines and this has brought up all of our genealogy clear back like this. Neither dad nor I dreamed that this would be connected and this information on our family tree clear down the lines like this would be there, because the last we knew only the names we had submitted were in our genealogy. This was a complete surprise to both of us. My John mentioned when we called him that he wished there was some way to print off all these names in a pedigree chart form, and then John Limehouse told my son of an app that he could download that would print it off for him and he wouldn't even have to type it all into his own program like he was doing earlier tonight. From this Tyler and Deena said that they will compile and have all this printed off into a book for us as a Christmas present, and they plan to do it for all of our kids and family members that would enjoy having it. Tyler was so excited that this idea came to them because he loves using his computer and he's so excited to have learned this information tonight too, so he's really going to have fun making our Christmas present this year now.
What an awesome night this turned out to be! I know that the blessings of service come many fold and in many different ways. Tonight I know that Heavenly Father blessed us from Tyler giving his service to the Limehouse's yesterday because they were able to serve us back tonight not only with the dinner but with showing Tyler how to use the church's website better which now is going to bless all of us to have our genealogy compiled into a book.
Peter and Lynda Schostag also bought a new TV and were having trouble getting it connected so that it would work to play a DVD player. Tyler went up to their house this afternoon and helped them too, so he's become known in our neighborhood as the tech support guy. He was happy to be able to help them and said to me "Well it is my specialty". It made him excited to be able to help all of them and now in turn it came back to all of us many times over.
It's obvious that I've never been interested in genealogy because of how little of it I had compiled and it just takes more time than I'm willing to spend researching it all, but now here it is all there for me and suddenly I'm very interested because it's so awesome learning that I'm related to Mary the mother of Jesus and thus also Jesus through my bloodlines.
It gives me a whole new outlook on who I am too.
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